Pregnancy & Maternity Reflexology in Surrey
Our Maternity Reflexology is tailored to care for the many emotional and physical effects of pregnancy for mums-to-be and their growing baby/babies. Reflexology is a calming, relaxing non-invasive therapy which is ideally suited to those who are wanting to conceive or are already pregnant.
Whether this is your first experience of pregnancy or you are returning for a repeat of this wonderful experience, we are here to help nurture and care for you.
You and your body will experience monumental changes on a hormonal, physical and emotional level from conception, through pregnancy and beyond to birth and the postnatal period. Reflexology aims to improve your health, and well-being and restore balance within your body thereby alleviating or preventing any symptoms caused by imbalances. This can start as early as preconception and continue throughout all stages of pregnancy into the postnatal period.
Reflexology is a safe and effective treatment to have during pregnancy, indeed many midwives recommend it, however, if you are pregnant it is recommended you have a conversation with your healthcare providers before commencing any treatment.
Pre-conception / Infertility
Trying to conceive can become extremely stressful for couples, especially when things don’t go to plan. As we all know, stress is not good for us! Reflexology can help to reduce those stresses/ anxieties and help to restore balance and optimum health in your body prior to conception. Although reflexology cannot ‘claim to cure’ infertility early research is indicating that it may be helpful, here are a couple of links you may find interesting:
Read a Daily Mail article on Reflexology and Infertility here
For some women, pregnancy can be a wonderful experience from start to finish. But others can experience many symptoms caused by the hormonal and physiological changes of pregnancy, many of these can be made worse by stress including headaches and heartburn so by again reducing your stress, reflexology hopes to bring some relief from these uncomfortable problems.
Reflexology is proven to be effective in:
- Improving the quality of sleep and easing sleeplessness
- Reducing stress
- Relieving tension
- Increasing a sense of well being
- Improves mood
Many women have reported that not only have their symptoms been helped by reflexology during their pregnancy, but they also felt that they benefited from the ‘time out’ to have a relaxing treatment.
Many women have reflexology to help to get their minds and body ready for birth, especially if they are close to or past their due date.
Research has shown that regular reflexology during pregnancy can help to shorten the duration of labour, with many requiring less pain relief along with improvements in other ailments.
(Valiani M et al – 2010 “Reviewing the effect of Reflexology on pain and outcomes of the labour of primiparous women” Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 15(Dec) p302-310)
Childbirth and a new baby in your life is a very emotional time for both parents and brings a lot of new things to cope with. Sometimes, this can seem overwhelming with exhaustion; sleepless nights; and anxiety around sometimes simple things can become stressful. Remember reflexology can help by reducing your tension, anxiety and stress and helps you improve your mood and achieve a better state of well being
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