Cranial Osteopathy for Children & Babies in Redhill & Reigate

Our clinic offers Cranial Osteopathy in Reigate and Redhill, Surrey, for all ages. Many find it especially beneficial to babies and small children during a treatment known as paediatric osteopathy

Cranial osteopaths use a highly refined and sensitive touch to detect subtle changes in the tissue quality, tension and movement of various parts of the body. Disturbances in these areas can often indicate patterns of dysfunction which can, in turn, lead to symptoms.

Cranial osteopathy is safe, gentle and non-manipulative. Plus, since it is another osteopathic technique, rather than a standalone treatment, it can be used on any area of the body to target specific symptoms. This is particularly useful since problems in one area can often be connected to patterns which originate further afield in the body.

The name of this treatment name stems from the cranium, or skull, which is where most – but not all – of this technique is applied. It often has a calming and relaxing effect on patients, with many feeling sleepy during or after treatment.

Osteopaths trained in cranial osteopathy can help:

  • Pregnant mothers suffering from restrictions or pains in the pelvis, lower back or hip area
  • New mums recovering post birth
  • Newborns, infants and toddlers
  • Children and adolescents

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Visit our Clinic

Our clinic is located on the A25 at the junction of Fengates Road, near Donyngs Leisure Centre. Car Parking is available locally or in the short-term car park on Linkfield Corner. Alternatively, we are located within walking distance (approx 13 minutes) of Redhill Station.

The Westway Clinic, 17 Hatchlands Road, Redhill, Surrey. RH1 6AA
We are committed to quality, affordable healthcare for the whole family.

Clinic Rooms Bed

The new property allows us to meet the needs of the 21st-century patient in a refurbished, light and airy Victorian property, which still retains many of its original features but also offers the comfort of modern facilities, including accessible rooms.

Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 9.00 am – 7.30 pm
Saturday 9.00 am – 1.30 pm Sundays & Bank Holidays – CLOSED

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£10.00 off a consultation

What our clients say

My mother had Bell’s Palsy and the osteopath helped to relax and reassure her. The face is more normal now and she tells me she loves the feeling of wellness she experiences with treatment.

TP – Horley

Jacob was born by c-section and never seemed to settle. He would cry every time he was fed or laid on his back. The osteopath explained in very simple terms, what seemed to be happening and treated Jacob who fell asleep in the treatment and went on to sleep a full night after that first session!

DM – Reigate

After the birth of my first child, I was recommended to the Westway Clinic as I had difficulty getting my son to settle. After 3 treatments he was a different child, much calmer, feeding well and sleeping. I didn’t hesitate to come back when I had my daughter. The staff and practitioners are superb.

JT – Reigate

Pioneering in pediatric care, cranial osteopathy is a gentle treatment designed specifically for babies and newborns. This specialised therapy utilises delicate techniques tailored to the pliable nature of a baby’s skeletal structure, offering unparalleled relief for common discomforts like difficulty passing wind or unsettled behaviour. The contact can be as light as a simple touch through to a firmer contact and, therefore, it can be adapted and beneficial where other techniques may be overly uncomfortable.

In babies, the treatment can gently soothe and relax them, making it suitable at all stages of your child’s development. During an initial consultation with us, our osteopaths will assess both you and your child, offering detailed advice on any patterns or issues that may be contributing to specific symptoms or difficulties.

For example, a woman’s body can change a lot during pregnancy – whether through the softening of ligaments, increased weight or a change in posture. These changes can, in turn, lead to additional pressure on joints in various parts of the body, including the spine or pelvis, that may have not been present before pregnancy. As such, our osteopaths can relieve the stress in these areas, promoting a true sense of well-being and relaxation.

Here at The Westway Clinic, we provide specialist cranial osteopathy in Reigate and Redhill, and the surrounding areas. Our osteopaths can also offer guidance on whether a specific issue may benefit from osteopathic intervention or simply outline what you can do to relieve the stress at home. To speak to a member of our team, please do not hesitate to contact us today. We will provide you with a free, no-obligation chat and answer as many questions or queries as you may have about this treatment.

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Cranial Osteopathy FAQs

  • Who typically uses cranial osteopathy?

    While cranial osteopathy is suitable for anyone at any age, our osteopaths typically work with mothers both before and after pregnancy to help with a wide range of issues. From relieving pains in the pelvis, lower back or hip area to helping new mums recover post-birth, our osteopaths can also work with the new-borns themselves, easing any issues they may have.

  • What does cranial osteopathy feel like?

    The answer to this question really depends on you but, generally speaking, cranial osteopathic treatment is a very gentle and relaxing process. During the treatment, you will likely become aware of several different sensations, including mild tension, aching or a sudden sensitivity that will gradually become replaced by a feeling of warmth and relaxation. However, sometimes people don’t feel anything at all during the treatment process itself but are aware they feel different once it’s finished.

  • Is cranial osteopathy supported by science?

    While cranial osteopathy may be difficult to ‘prove’ in the conventional research-based sense, the modern scientific understanding of physiology concerning the electromagnetics of the human body has increasingly supported the theory behind cranial osteopathy.

  • What are the side effects of cranial osteopathy?

    Generally speaking, patients finish their treatments feeling better and a lot more relaxed. However, it is fairly common to experience a little sore in places for a period of up to 36 hours – a similar experience to the one you feel after exercising. Some patients can also feel tired after treatment, while others feel energised, so it really depends on you and how you’ve interacted with the treatment process.

  • Do I need to be referred by a GP?

    No, not necessarily. Typically, many of our patients ‘self-refer’ to us for treatment, while keeping their GP fully informed. This helps to not only ensure your medical records are kept as current and complete as possible but also make sure you receive the best care from both us and them. Plus, since our osteopaths are so skilled in diagnostic techniques, they are trained to identify when a patient should be referred to a GP.

  • How many treatments will I need to have?

    This is a difficult question to answer before we see you, so it’s important to set up an initial consultation with us. Depending on your personal circumstances – your condition, your age and your general health – this will affect the advice and treatment plans our osteopaths can provide. Generally speaking though, a standard course of treatment is between approximately three and six appointments. Following this treatment plans, check-ups will then be advised at regular intervals to ensure you are feeling better.

  • Can you have cranial osteopathy if you’re pregnant?

    Absolutely! In fact, if you understandably don’t want to take drugs for pain at this time, cranial osteopathy could offer the ideal alternative approach. While there may be some treatment methods which will need to be reserved for a later date, cranial osteopathy is a safe form of treatment to have at any stage during your pregnancy.

  • Does cranial osteopathy work for adults?

    Cranial osteopathy offers a potential treatment option for adults with various conditions. While research for specific conditions is ongoing, many adults report positive experiences.

    There’s some evidence suggesting cranial osteopathy may be helpful for headaches, migraines, sinus issues, neck pain, and even anxiety and sleep disturbances in adults.

Contact Us

We are happy to help you with any questions you may have about any of the therapies we offer. To get in touch, simply give us a call during opening hours or send us a message using the contact form below.

Please note we are currently unable to book, change or cancel appointments using the contact form or via email. Please call us on 01737 762990 during opening hours and we will handle your call as efficiently as possible.

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