Homeopathy in Pregnancy and Childbirth
Before pregnancy…
To become pregnant, we need our bodies to be in optimum condition, from our physical condition to our mental well-being, no singular part will remain unchanged by the process and a specific set of circumstances need to be in place for conception to be successful.
Many factors can bring unwelcome challenges to becoming pregnant or maintaining a pregnancy and becoming pregnant is simply stressful for many.
Homeopathy is ideal for women in their childbearing years as it is a gentle system of alternative medicine and the remedies contain only a minute amount of the active ingredient in their preparation.
Homeopaths believe that symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and that it is the person who needs treatment not the disease alone.
During Pregnancy and Childbirth
It is widely felt that homeopathic treatment may benefit pregnant women, and so indirectly, their babies. By being as healthy as possible during pregnancy you are giving your baby the ideal conditions in which to thrive. Some homeopaths may also advise you on diet and lifestyle to encourage a healthy pregnancy and birth.
Homeopathy is often used by the expectant mother during her childbirth and Catherine strongly suggests you talk with your midwife about the use of homeopathic remedies in your labour as it is essential for them to be involved in what you are planning to do.
Catherine has a lot of experience working with pregnant ladies and she regularly loans out full homeopathic kits for use during childbirth to help with common issues. Homeopathy is not a replacement for medical treatment or advice, so you are always strongly recommended to discuss any treatment with your medical practitioners who are frequently open to the use of homeopathic remedies.
Homeopathic remedies are commonly available over the counter but we advise against using these as often they will only have a limited range of dosages and strengths, this is important especially in pregnancy as these need to be prescribed by an experienced and qualified homeopath once a full history has been obtained.
We can loan you a birthing kit free of charge (subject to a deposit) as long as you attend an initial consultation with your birth partner so that safety issues can be dealt with and also so that the homeopath can fully explain the kits and answer any questions you may have.
After Childbirth
After the birth many will need to use remedies, often these are contained in the loaned birthing kit mentioned above. This kit is yours to use for up to one month after childbirth, during which you will normally visit the homeopath again to identify any ongoing issues
Throughout Catherine remains available to discuss your care by telephone should you need it and many mums will also seek advice on the new baby and her health as she recovers from childbirth. This is where our clinic has key strengths, Catherine is used to working alongside our osteopathic team in delivering a comprehensive approach to new parents and their families and together they can help in most circumstances
Homeopathy is suitable for the treatment of newborns, babies and children. More information on this is available in our section on Homeopathy for the whole family which can be accessed by clicking here.
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