Homeopathy for Young Children, Teenagers & the Elderly
As an effective and widely useful treatment approach, Homeopathy is suitable for all ages, young or old. When we have a family, we all too often forget to look after ourselves and that is why we all need to be aware of the various challenges that may creep up on every one of us.
Below is a rough guide to the kind of situations you and your family may find come up. It is important to note again that Homeopathy is not a replacement for conventional medicine, and you are encouraged to discuss any new or unusual symptoms with your family doctor or healthcare professional.
Babies, Toddlers and School Age Children
As your baby grows and continues to develop through to the teenage years, there are many forks in the road that each bring their own challenges.
Homeopathy addresses all of us on a mental, emotional and physical level. As a parent with a new baby or a toddler that is always on the go or a school child that is constantly active and studious, you may notice a range of things that at first seem innocuous but on reflection, it is possible these symptoms may be something that homeopathy can help with.
On a mental and emotional level, distraction and agitation are key signs that something may not be quite right. Physically, discomfort, slow bowels or bed-wetting may be signs too that disharmony exists.
In all these cases we recommend you contact our homeopath to discuss your individual experiences and to see if there is value in seeking a consultation. Homeopathy is a gentle and effective alternative medicine that can help with a wide range of situations.
Teenagers to Adulthood
As your child enters the teenage years, the activity of the body accelerates as the bones and muscles grow, puberty makes its way into their lives and the demands of school heighten.
On a mental and emotional level, this is when the hormones and social pressures take a large toll, mood swings and anxiety-related situations become common and often these can manifest in different ways such as migraines or loss of concentration just as exam pressures mount.
Physically puberty can bring a wealth of symptoms as their bodies start to respond to the hormones that ramp up, causing monthly pains or poor skin quality and multiple spot breakouts.
Again, speaking to your homeopath may well bring insight into how some of these things may be linked. As the homeopathic consultation considers everything from personality traits and lifestyle to likes and dislikes often it is well placed to get to the root of any underlying cause.
Adults and the Elderly
Then there are the parents and the parents of the parents. Whilst working hard to care for our family and keeping multiple plates spinning life goes on, and we have our own difficulties and problems. As we age, our bodies continue to change, and we may develop a raft of different symptoms that are hard to keep up with at times.
On a mental and emotional level, we may become more stressed through work and life pressures, we may feel down at times or we may suffer a bereavement that catches us off guard. Physically, our bodies aren’t getting any younger and aches and pains become everyday occurrences. After more time our decreasing hormone levels may bring symptoms of menopause.
Homeopathy can be suitable through all these challenges and help us to be in our best condition, ready to tackle whatever is next around the corner. Speaking to your homeopath may be advisable so you can receive professional advice as you strive to enjoy life and your family.
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